Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keep Up

One of the most important things one can do in college is keep up. If one falls behind, it can potentially leave you struggling to learn new material and can cause your grade to slip. College classes move at a very fast pace, and one must be able to get use to this before suffering the potential consequences.

One thing that makes many students fall behind is not doing their work in time. Many will procrastinate and say they have time to do it later. However, when the due date comes they don't have the assignment completed, leaving them behind. If one skips one assignment, they will have to make it up while doing others that have an upcoming due date. All this extra work can create chaos and leave them worried about old material instead of focusing on the new material. While the teacher and the rest of the class have moved on, the student fallen behind is stuck playing catch up, causing their grade to slip and fall behind where they should be.

Another reason for falling behind is poor attendance. Many will choose to stay in bed because they stayed up too late doing other things and wake up exhausted and out of energy. When one skips class, they miss out on important material they need to know. Because of the brisk pace college runs at, one can not afford to miss many classes. Even missing just one can put you behind farther than expected. It is very difficult to catch up once fallen behind, so one needs to attend class as much as possible. If they do, they will keep up in the class and be at pace with the teacher. If not, one will become very stressed as they try to catch up.

It is to ones benefit to stay caught up with the class. The classes won't always be fun and I know nobody likes to get up early to go to school. One just has to deal with it though so they can be successful. It will benefit them as they keep up with the class and have less stress. If one can't keep up with the class, they should consider dropping it or switch to a time frame that works for them. Whatever one does, they just need to make sure they complete all their assignments on time and stay caught up.

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