Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In my opinion, I find blogging a waste of time. It causes you to write stuff online that most people probably don't care about and find uninteresting. Many people treat it like their personal diary, telling everything about their personal life to anyone on the internet. A lot of times, blogging can become pointless as one runs out of topics to write about, so they ramble on about something that will leave people wondering why they bothered to write that. Blogging is a way for people to express their opinions, leaving either people to agree or disagree, or just not even care at all.
Blogging doesn't show off a persons ability to write to their full potential. It causes them to write in an unstructured form so that they can talk about something. It doesn't show off true writing skill compared to an essay on a focused topic. It gives the writer a bad image, making it look like they are unskilled at writing. I am an example of this. I hate writing blogs because I find them a waste of time. I have to write about stuff for other people to read that probably don't care about it at all. I struggle every time  I'm writing a blog because it is unstructured and I waste my time trying to come up with ideas to write about. Blogging isn't going to help me in life because I never plan on doing it after english class. I've never had to do it up until this class and I doubt I'll ever do it after either. It is all opinion based, most of which others don't care about, and I feel like I could really showcase my writing skill not blogging.
Just because I don't like blogging however, doesn't mean other don't and that's fine. It is my personal opinion and we all have one. Blogging is a great way to stay connected with people that share your common interests and connect with them besides email or another form. However, I feel blogging is a bad idea for a college english class. In most cases, students are going to make stuff up when writing so that they can get it over with and get a grade on it. If they say they haven't done that at least once, they're probably lying. It doesn't showcase their true writing skill and understanding of the english language. It just shows their ability to mildly research on a topic and if they can get an assignment done on time.
I know this is all just my opinion, and it's my right to say how I feel about blogging. Getting ones opinion out is just one of the many reasons why many people blog, hoping to get people to agree with them and share their view.

Works cited:

"The Pros and Cons of Blogging." Hospitality Search Marketing ~ Travel & Tourism SEO ~ Blizzard Internet Marketing. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. <>.


  1. This post is deffinitely real and relatable to. I may have to agree and disagree with you on a couple of things. Blogging is something that people use to express themselves and 80 percent of the time, no one is really interested in what you have to say. But then again, it's always good to express yourself whether it to a particular person or on the internet. Where a lot of people mess up is when they do put their entire life story and personal situations on the web. Some of those things can be kept to the individual themselves. Blogging should be a way where you can express certain things that many other people can relate to and appreciate. My only question here is how do this entry tie into college success? Are you writing this just for personal references or are you tying to the blogging in english to being a successful college student?

  2. I agree with Khadijah, the big thing with blogging is that people feel like they have to put their entire lives out there. i feel like each blog should have some point to it and the writer is trying to convince us or be informative about one point or another.
