Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I got the idea to write this post because of current events that are happening right now. Being able to adapt is one of the most essential skills one should have. It is useful in everyday life, whether it be in college or not. For example, I'm adapting right now myself because I am out of power at my house. I am writing this blog from a friends house instead of my own. If I didn't adapt, I would not be doing my homework and get penalized, something that I don't want to happen.

People have been adapting for centuries. The settlers had to adapt when they first came to this country. If they could adapt to a completely different new world, one can definitely adapt to anything. One just has to try and not give up when everything gets tough. One will never be successful if they give up when things get tough. If they did, there would probably be no America because the settlers would have gave up almost immediately, as adapting to a completely new life was very challenging.

Having the ability to adapt will help you become more successful. One will be able to change what they're doing at the blink of an eye, and have positive outcomes. One must be ready to adapt because you never know when something will happen. Such as today; I didn't expect to lose power and be scrambling looking for a place to do homework. Another example would be adapting to a new school environment. One would be surprised how big of a transition it is to transfer from a community college to living on campus at a university. One most likely becomes self-sufficient instantly and has to do everything by themselves. No parents or guardians are there to guide one or help them when in need. One must adapt to all these changes so that they can be successful. 

Adaptation is something that can't be taught. One can't take a class on it and suddenly become an expert on it. No one has a degree in it, it is impossible. It is something one naturally does, one can either do it or they can't. It is learned by observation and experiencing different situations first hand. I personally learned to adapt to multiple situations through my experiences in boy scouts. There were multiple times that we had to adapt because of unexpected situations occurring. It happened so often, that learning to adapt has become second nature to me.

Learning to adapt will take you far in life. It may take you awhile to become good at it, but when one does, it will help them accomplish anything. Just give it time, don't give up, and one will be successful. 

1 comment:

  1. I know you'll think I'm being a bit too picky here, but isn't observation a way one learns? And I would hope that adaptation is something taught or at least discussed in SDV courses here at NOVA. I'm glad you got to adapt and figure out a "plan B." That will get you through college more easily, right?

    How about elaborating on your examples? Provide examples of specific ways American settlers adapted. What were they coming from, and what did they encounter here in America? What did you experience as a Boy Scout? Also, how about a few hyperlinks/MLA or APA documentation to provide those detailed examples.
