Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Blogging was a very unique experience for English class. It is something that I never thought of doing or planned on doing. It was a new task that I learned to face and deal with. After doing it for a semester of college I have decided that this is something I would not care to do in the future. It was difficult for me to write blogs that were decent. However I am glad I experienced it so that I know what it's like to run one and the dedication it requires.

Blogging is something that I did not expect to do in a college class. I thought blogging would occur in a different class other than English. I did not find blogging helpful to me because I personally couldn't showcase my true writing skill. It was constantly hard for me to choose and write about a topic while not turning it into an essay. One reason I believe it was hard for me was because of my topic of choice. It was hard for me to create topics and write a decent blog on it. If I could go back I would change my topic and choose something that I would be more interested in writing about. I personally believe that blogging is not the best idea for class, and that the students should have a choice to do the blogs or essays instead. I say this because for some people as myself, blogging does not work as well for me as writing an essay would be.

I am glad I experienced blogging. It opened up a new view on writing that I never thought of. Even though I didn't like it, it was a unique experience. I won't be continuing my blog once the class is over, but I believe others should continue. Some of my classmates had really good blogs that were interesting and captured my attention. If I were to recommend blogging to anyone in the future, I would definitely tell him or her to pick a topic they would be interested in and that they know they could write good blogs on.

Blogging opened up my eyes to whole new style of writing, on that I learned to cope with and overcome. Although I personally struggled with it I was able to produce what I feel was decent material. It was a unique way to write for a class as opposed to writing essays. Through my experience I learned how to adapt and only write relevant information as long as using thorough detail, something that I failed to do sometimes. I'm glad I experienced blogging, but I don't care to do it again in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts here on blogging. I do understand that it's not everyone's "cup of tea." But I do happen to think that getting writer's out of their comfort zones is a lesson unto itself. And where will you use academic writing outside of the academy? I'm sure in fits and spurts depending on your career. But experiencing opportunities in creating layered texts (with multimedia use, creativity in structure, etc.) will hopefully carry over professionally for you as well.

    I agree--some students really seem to regret their choice in topic. The issues usually stem from a topic being either too broad or too narrow. When there is "just enough" room to maneuver and to get creative, writer's blossom.

    I wish you great luck not-blogging!
