Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Blogging was a very unique experience for English class. It is something that I never thought of doing or planned on doing. It was a new task that I learned to face and deal with. After doing it for a semester of college I have decided that this is something I would not care to do in the future. It was difficult for me to write blogs that were decent. However I am glad I experienced it so that I know what it's like to run one and the dedication it requires.

Blogging is something that I did not expect to do in a college class. I thought blogging would occur in a different class other than English. I did not find blogging helpful to me because I personally couldn't showcase my true writing skill. It was constantly hard for me to choose and write about a topic while not turning it into an essay. One reason I believe it was hard for me was because of my topic of choice. It was hard for me to create topics and write a decent blog on it. If I could go back I would change my topic and choose something that I would be more interested in writing about. I personally believe that blogging is not the best idea for class, and that the students should have a choice to do the blogs or essays instead. I say this because for some people as myself, blogging does not work as well for me as writing an essay would be.

I am glad I experienced blogging. It opened up a new view on writing that I never thought of. Even though I didn't like it, it was a unique experience. I won't be continuing my blog once the class is over, but I believe others should continue. Some of my classmates had really good blogs that were interesting and captured my attention. If I were to recommend blogging to anyone in the future, I would definitely tell him or her to pick a topic they would be interested in and that they know they could write good blogs on.

Blogging opened up my eyes to whole new style of writing, on that I learned to cope with and overcome. Although I personally struggled with it I was able to produce what I feel was decent material. It was a unique way to write for a class as opposed to writing essays. Through my experience I learned how to adapt and only write relevant information as long as using thorough detail, something that I failed to do sometimes. I'm glad I experienced blogging, but I don't care to do it again in the future.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Studying is something every college student should be doing. Those who study regularly are more successful in the classroom compared to those who barely study or don't study at all. It is essential for every student to develop study skills. There are many ways to study, styles that cater to every students preference. Studying will make or break the students success in college.

There are many ways for students to study whether it be alone or in a group. One very popular method is using flashcards. Flashcards are a great utensil for students to use to learn about a desired subject and test themselves on it. Flash cards usually allow people to learn basic aspects of a domain like key vocabulary (Markman). However, they are not the best when going into detail. For complete understanding one would need to practice the material over and over. Studying in a group is something I would highly recommend every student try. Group study usually keeps one more attentive to the material as they discuss it with their fellow peers. It also allows the opportunity for the students to get a different point of view on the material, rather than their own. One can learn stuff they might not have known previously in-group study as it allows people to open up to new ideas and knowledge. A great tip for students is to take study breaks throughout their session. If one studies for hours straight with no break, their brain will become overloaded and they will not retain as much knowledge. Taking breaks allows one to stay focused on studying without draining themselves doing it.

Choosing when and where to study is a huge factor in ones success. Students study whenever they have time whether it is in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Many students study late night because they put it off until the last minute as they don't like to do it, or they might be busy during the rest of the day. However, studies show that "students who study late at night tend to get worse grades than those who study in the evening"(Markman). This probably occurs because students tend to be more alert and focused in this time, as opposed to late at night. Choosing where to study can make all the difference in how much knowledge one retains when studying. Students need to find a place they find peaceful and where they could study with the least amount of distractions. Adam Sicinski says that, "The higher the temperature gauge rises, the lazier your brain becomes, and the more effort it takes to achieve your ideal learning state. " Because of this, one should try to find a cool environment and where comfortable clothing so that they can maximize all of their study time to their benefit.

Studying is not a fun activity that people like to do. Everyone would rather be doing something else that they find fun. However, studying is a major part of college and it is crucial that every student develops good study habits. If one develops a study schedule and does it consistently, their grades will be a lot higher and they will be a better student. Developing study habits is not an option if one wants to succeed. Sicinski states that studying will not only better prepare your mind for the process of learning, but will also unquestionably transform your personal approach to thinking about what you are learning.

Works Cited
Markman, Art. "Developing Good Study Habits Really Works." Psychology Today. N.p., 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.
Sicinski, Adam. "How to Develop Smart Study Habits | IQ Matrix Blog." IQ Matrix Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Taking Advantage

College has numerous things to offer to students including educational and recreational resources. It would be silly for students to not utilize and take advantage of them; after all, the students are paying for them whether they use them or not. These include the gym, tutoring center, health center, and many more. They are all relatively easy to find around campus and could greatly benefit the student if used.

Almost every college has a gym, some nicer than others. The gym gives students the perfect opportunity for students to get fit. For many it will be hard to get used to as they will feel weak and helpless, but if they keep going they will see the results and going to the gym will become a daily routine. The gym is also a good place to go if one gets bored. It is a much better alternative rather than sitting in the dorm room watching TV.

The tutoring center is one of the biggest advantages at every college that students should use. The tutoring is free and there are people there who are willing to help you in your academics. The tutoring center greatly helps anyone who is falling behind in classes and needs the extra help. Students shouldn't be afraid to go to the tutoring center; there is nothing wrong with getting extra help. It is more embarrassing to fail a class than it is to go to the tutoring center. One can prevent failure if they take the time and effort to visit the tutoring center.

The student health center is something almost no student takes advantage of. Colleges have a health center staffed with trained professionals who are there throughout the week to take care of the students. The visits are free and present a good opportunity to help those students without healthcare. The staff is there to treat students from a simple cold to serious injuries. 

These are just a few of the resources at college that students should take advantage of, but not all. There are many more resources at college for students to utilize. Since the student is paying for all of these resources whether they use them or not, the students might as well utilize them all. They could greatly enhance a students experience and success at college.

Works Cited
"5 Perks Students Don't Take Advantage of In College” Broke Grad Student." Broke Grad Student Paying back $22,000 in student loans by making money online. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>.
Mallette, Dania. "Top Resources College Students Should Take Advantage Of." College Scholarships, Admissions & Online Courses Resource - N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Potential Sources

For my final analysis paper, I have many potential sources that I am considering to use in my paper. In this blog, I will talk about three of my potential sources. These blogs are Happy Schools Blog, CampusGrotto, and College Students Are Poor. Each blog has their own unique perspective on college, and ways to make a students life simpler. They are all successful blogs that are interesting and appeal to the readers.

Happy Schools Blog has many posts on the job market and where to look for a job when graduated from college. This information is very useful as everyone looks for a job after they graduate. It also talks about the top companies hiring interns, and all the possibilities the interns have. The site has blog posted from multiple authors, rather than just one. This allows more of a variety in the subject, as well as different views and opinions on subjects. The blog has many different subjects readers can explore, rather than staying on one page of blogs.

CampusGrotto is a very interesting site. It provides a vast amount of insightful information; such as how to pick a major, the most expensive colleges, and other advice. Many of its blogs have links to take you into further detail on what the reader was looking at. This is very useful as it allows the reader to look even further into a desired subject. Another interesting thing about this blog is its recommendations. It has recommendations for the best place to get textbooks, which colleges to attend based on major, and which colleges have the best social life. The blog provides good advice that tries to help one become a successful student.

College Students Are Poor is a unique site. It is almost completely dedicated to the cycle of money in college. It has many posts on not just how to save money, but also how to make money in college. The blog even has coupons available for students to use and take advantage of. The blog provides extremely useful information for those wanting to learn how to save and make money. The main author of the blog, Mike, does his absolute best to help students and their finances. This blog is one that I believe everyone should check out, as one will definitely learn something new.

These are so far my top three potential blogs for my final analysis paper. They each provide a unique perspective on college, and how every college student can be successful. I chose these blogs because I believe they are executed greatly, and have useful knowledge that I believe every student should know. They will all teach new things to the reader that will greatly benefit them.

Works Cited
"College Students Are Poor! - Make and Save Money In College." College Students Are Poor! - Make and Save Money In College. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <>.
"Home." Happy Schools Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2013. <>.
"Most Expensive Colleges." CampusGrotto. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2013. <>.