Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Taking School Seriously

Taking school seriously is one of the hardest things for a student to do. No one wants to spend their time slaving away on schoolwork when they can do other things; things that they might find more enjoyable than schoolwork. What many don't realize until it's too late, is that how well one performs in school will affect the outcome of their life. Employers look for the people who excelled in school and got their work done, rather than those who slacked off and skimmed by school.

It is essential for students to pay attention while in class and not doze off. If they're not paying attention, they can miss important information that they need to know. When one doesn't pay attention, their grade will most likely suffer as they will not absorb all the information essential to pass the class. I know from experience that it is very hard to pay attention sometimes due to lack of interest, but one must fight the urge to doze off and instead focus on the material. It will pay off when the student earns a good grade in the class.

Homework is a nightmare for every student. Everyone dreads it and does not want to do it. Many will keep putting it off until the last second, or just not even do it. Everyone has done this at least once, including myself. However, homework is important to all students. It helps one practice and develop their skills in the subject matter, so that they can harness these skills and apply them in everyday life.
Although it may be difficult and frustrating sometimes, it can be done. One has to set aside the time to get it done and not put it off to the last minute. Those who do their homework will be able to apply the subject and pass the class with a good grade, rather than those who don't take the time or effort to do it.

Studying is something everyone should do. It will vastly improve ones performance in the classroom. Studying is probably one of the most boring things to do, but it pays off. One of the easiest ways to study is to set a schedule, and even study with other people. That way, everyone can give their own views on the subject and even help each other out. Studying with a group will also improve ones focus as it will make it harder for their mind to wander off, unlike if they were studying alone. If one studies regularly, they will definitely be successful in the classroom and earn a good grade.

Taking school seriously will greatly benefit each individual. One will be able to get in to a prestigious university and have many great job offers after graduation. Everyone would rather accept a student who excels and performs well rather than a slacker. Taking school seriously is essential for every student.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're on to something here. This is a great topic and I like seeing your discussion of it from personal experience. I'd like to have seen some direct examples from your own life: when did you not study and it affected you? When did you study with a group and you got the grade you really wanted or needed?

    Also watch overinclusion with qualifying or limiting words. For example: while many people do hate homework, not *every* person does. That type of discussion isn't very realistic: so state that "many people..." and you have your bases covered.

    How about using supplemental support from the educational/psychology field to back up your content here?
